DBC is an acronym for a differential blood count. It is a blood test that lists the numerical and percentage values of individual leukocytes (neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes).
With the mentioned term, we describe that during auscultation (listening to the lungs with a stethoscope), we hear crackles and pops that are present throughout the lungs (diffusely), but they occur in the phase of inhalation and exhalation (thus in two phases - biphasic).
We use the mentioned term when we want to describe that the entire skin is diseased, as opposed to just locally being affected. So not localized or confined but widely spread.
Dynamic obstruction is a medical term referring to a reduction in the patency of the airways, which can vary depending on various factors. This means that the airways, which are usually open and allow the flow of air in and out of the lungs, narrow or become blocked. The narrowing of the airways can be triggered by various factors, such as allergens, infections, physical activity, or even stress. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, coughing, choking, etc.
DH is an acronym for daily hospital - going to the hospital only for a daily check-up (usually a few days in a row). It is a substitute approach and it is used instead of being in the hospital the whole time, including through the night.
The synonym for disseminated is widespread. Example of usage: foci are present disseminated throughout the entire body. This describes that the foci are present throughout the entire skin of the body.
A dermatologist is a doctor who deals with the treatment of skin diseases. Dermatologists are actually dermatovenerologists - doctors who deal with the treatment of skin (dermato-) and sexually transmitted diseases (venerologists).
The term depigmentation refers to changes in the skin that are not pigmented. Depigmented spots can appear on the skin as part of various skin diseases. Depigmentation (white spots) are typically visible in a skin disease called vitiligo.
DAO is an acronym for diamine oxidase. It is an enzyme that breaks down histamine. If there is not enough DAO in the body or if this enzyme is blocked, histamine accumulates, which can lead to symptoms similar to an allergic reaction.
Diffusion capacity is a medical term that refers to the ability of the lungs to transfer oxygen from inhaled air into the bloodstream. Testing of diffusion capacity is part of pulmonary examinations, which determine how well the lungs are functioning. The examination usually involves the patient inhaling a small amount of gas, after which the doctor measures how much of this gas has been transferred into the blood. If the diffusion capacity is low, it means that the lungs cannot effectively transfer oxygen into the blood, which can indicate various lung diseases.